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GHS Class of 1965
Planning 60 Year Reunion
A 60 year reunion is being planned for August 8th and 9th, 2025. Both nights at the Bowling Alley. Friday will include snacks and Saturday will feature dinner.  More information to follow. Save the dates.

2025 Hall of Fame 

 The 2025 Hall of Fame Banquet and inductee presentations will be held on October 11, 2025. Do you know a Galion High School Graduate that deserves recognition for outstanding accomplishments in their careers and communities?  Please fill out a nomination form for that individual to be considered for that honor.  Nominating forms are due by June 1, 2025.  Click on the banner below to print out the nominating criteria and and form.  Provide as much information as possible, but most importantly nominate some one you feel is deserving of recognition. 

hof nomination banner.jpg


  Hall of Fame

These links will access pages dedicted to the inductees into the Hall of Fame.

2024 Inductees into the Hall of Fame

2023 Inductees into the Hall of Fame

2022 inductees into the Hall of Fame 

 2021 Inductees into the Hall of Fame

2019 Inductees into the Hall of Fame 

 2018 Inductees into the Hall of Fame 

  2017 Inductees into the Hall of Fame

 2016 Inductees into the Hall of Fame

2015 Inductees into the Hall of Fame

2014 Inductees into the Hall of Fame

2013 inductees into the Hall of Fame

2012 inductees into the Hall of Fame 

2011 Inductees into the Hall of Fame

2010 inductees into the Hall of Fame 

2009 inductees into the Hall of Fame. 

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Hall of Fame Nominating Criteria PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Criteria for Galion Hall of Fame

What is the Galion Hall of Fame?

This is a program to honor Galion Graduates and Faculty members who have gone on and shown excellence and leadership in their ca­reers and community activities. This excellence can be in business, the arts, the military, athletics, politics, or in any of the professional fields as well as recognized community service activities.Those honored as members of the Hall of Fame will have their names and accomplish­ments on permanent display on the campus of Galion City Schools.

General Criteria for selection into the Galion Hall of Fame

  1. Individual must be a graduate of Galion High School or have served on the faculty of the Galion City Schools and be retired 2 years or more.
  2. His/her activities must show excellence and leadership in their field of activity.
  3. An individual must be nominated and their names submitted to the selection


  1.  Nominations must be submitted by July 1st of each year.
  2. Nominations must be in writing. A general form for this nomination will be made available to highlight individual achievements.
  3. Anyone can make a nomination.
  4. Nominees must meet the general criteria as shown above.
  5. Nominees will be evaluated by the selection committee.


  1. A committee consisting of representatives of the Galion Alumni Association, The
  2. Galion Education Foundation, the Galion City Schools,and the Galion Boosters Club will serve as the selection committee.
  3. This committee shall be chaired by the president of the Galion Alumni Association.
  4. This committee shall review all nominations and evaluate these nominees by an agreed upon process and standards.
  5. There is no limit to the number of awards to be given each year.
  6. Candidates must receive the unanimous vote of the committee to receive this honor.



  1. Recognition of achievements must be in a public announcement such as newspaper, radio, or television.
  2. Achievement must be of a level to show a positive impact in the field of the achievement.
  3. Ideal candidate will have exhibited leadership and excellence not only in his/her  field, but in service to the community.
  4. Nomination form should include references to publications that have made note of the individual's achievements as well as personal recommendations.

Completed forms should be mailed to:

  • Galion Board of Education Office
  • 470 Portland Way North
  • Galion, OH   44833 









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